Stories from Numberland - Mathematik bilingual

Stories 1 to 10 from Prof. Preiß‘s early mathematics education programme "Numberland"

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Stories from Numberland - Mathematik bilingual

Stories 1 to 10 from Prof. Preiß‘s early mathematics education programme "Numberland"

24 Seiten (1,4 MB)
Verlag Zahlenland
Preiß, Gerhard
Mathematik, Englisch
Grundschule, Förderschule

The ten stories from Numberland contain one story for each number from 1 to 10. Die zehn Geschichten aus dem Zahlenland von Gerhard Preiß auf Englisch.

The stories from Numberland contain one story for each number from 1 to 10. They were written by Prof. Gerhard Preiß and are part of his Numberland programme for early childhood mathematics education. The aim of the Numberland programme is to provide young children with opportunities to learn about numbers through first-hand experiences, to help children build up knowledge about the world, and to make them aware of the relevance of this knowledge to their everyday lives. The innovative approach to early childhood education used in this programme combines ideas from mathematics education with concepts from modern neurological research. This so-called “Neurodidactical” approach centres on the child and his or her individual development.

Inhalt / Content:

  • The Mysterious Land of One
  • A Fox Sneaks into the Land of Two
  • The Witches Café 1-2-3
  • The Day the Four Got Sick
  • The 5’s Birthday Party
  • The Clever Girl and the Magician from the Land of Six
  • How Ladybirds Got their 7 Spots
  • The Very Dangerous Spider
  • How the Game of Ninepins Was Invented
  • The Fox, the Badger, and the Crow in the Land of Ten

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